Budget travel tips to help you travel MORE!

Last Updated on June 3, 2023 by Christine Kaaloa

How to Travel More (watch video)

You think you need money to travel more? You need mindset and strategy. This post shares budget travel tips to help you travel more. I’ll share the steps I take to ensure I stay on track with my travel goals and how you can start doing the same!

Budget Travel Tips to help you Travel More

1. Envision your travel goal

If your dream is to travel, what kind of travel do you want to do? Solo travel, an around the world trip, live abroad,  study abroad, a weekend trip, long-term travel, etc…? Whatever it is, write it down. When you write it, you transform it into tangible form. It’s very different from speaking it. When you write it down, your mind starts going to planning and engineering mode. Unconsciously, you feel accountable for it.

Many folks blab-share their dreams with everyone. They’ll tell everyone about their dreams whilst looking for external validation or an ooh-aaah,  but once they speak it, they make the mistake of unconsciously thinking that they’ve already done it. Eventually, it just becomes a lot of hot air and the dream never gets actualized.  I’ve had this happen with a lot of friends!

 Having a dream like traveling more is different from having a dream  to diet or to lose weight.  While you may need that support for inspiration of other people knowing about that goal to help you over that hurdle, to cheer you on, something like a dream to travel is a little different.  It’s not something that everyone can understand or support, especially if they’re not living that travel dream themselves.  So I don’t like to put out there, my goal or dream when it’s just an idea. Only after I feel like I’ve materialized some of that goal and it has gained some strength and substance behind it, I’ll launch it.

2. Create Game Plan & Strategy

Imagine yourself as a coach of a team and you need to create a game plan or strategy for success.

 Do you want parental support to study abroad for a year? …Money for an around the world trip? Maybe you need to ask your boss for time off for a vacation?

Ask yourself what you need to get that goal. Very large dreams and goals can feel overwhelming when look at it . But if you put into actionable steps and start planning out your strategy, you can break it down into manageable pieces to accomplish and gain a feeling of success with. Take a pen and paper, and start brainstorming. Take your ideas and feel out what vibes right for you. Let it be something you’re excited about doing.

The process I explained in my video is how I went about my living in Korea and my strategy created a mushroom success effect! It paid for my plane trip ticket, it paid for my rent and my apartment and it paid for my lifestyle and I even got to save money so that I could travel to neighboring countries. That’s how my travel more dream happened.

3. Create actionable steps.

Creating actionable steps is key. Actionable steps are baby steps which you take along the way to help you ensure you’re creating building blocks, so you actually form a bridge to your goal. What are steps you can start taking today?

4. Prioritize

Once you’ve defined your game plan and know what steps it takes to getting there,  stalk it, dog it and pursue it. You want to bump it up on your priority list of things to do.  The travelers that didn’t find success in their travel dreams are folks, who gave up in the process or who didn’t have a firm commitment. Maybe they let other people tear their dream down or they didn’t create time for it in their lives. They didn’t prioritize it in their life.  When you prioritize something in your life, you make yourself all about it. You find passion, you hunger for it.

You can pursue travel inspiration through following other travel bloggers, follow my YouTube videos or read my blog (shameless self promoting plug!). You can watch foreign films, join meetup groups or put money aside with every paycheck for a travel fund.

There’s no way you cannot succeed and traveling. Sometimes your travel goal might be too big for the time and place that you’re in financially or schedule wise. If that’s the case, find a travel goal that’s smaller and more achievable.  By doing so you create a success and the confidence which comes from that achievement will only lead you into the next journey and the next… eventually, you have a bridge to your goal.

5. Start today.

Schedule it write it down, so that you can put things into action. There’s no reason you couldn’t start today, even if you’re just planning your idea brainstorming. If you start funneling some of your paychecks into your savings. Whatever action you take it will create the next action and the next action like spokes on a wheel that’s turning.

6. Travel your home

When it comes to travel, never underestimate your home or country, especially as it’s the most affordable. Just because it’s home, doesn’t mean that it is not exotic.  Although I often have to remind myself of this as I’m very guilty of this also. My friends and family  all wonder why I never blog about Hawaii, when it’s a number one vacation spot in the United States. For me , Hawaii is home and doesn’t always feel exotic. Yet, as much as  I think I know Hawaii a lot, there are lots of spots on a Oahu which I have not visited! It’s probable that some tourists have explore more of Hawaii than I have.

What you can do in your hometown: You can join meetup groups, Instagram photo groups, hiking groups, or specialty groups which encourage you to get out of your tiny bubble. Perhaps you can change the daily path that you take from your home to your workplace…change up the route. You can find interesting hole-in-the-wall places, unexplored parks, activities and waterways. Lastly, you can visit tourist attractions and see what it is like to be a tourist in your own hometown.  How can you see your city with new eyes?

Major rule: Exotic is anything that you haven’t done.


Traveling more is really about creating time, money, resources, a priority and creating space in your life to travel. Let me know what are your travel goals and something  you can put into action today!  What are your tips on how to travel more?

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