Last Updated on July 20, 2023 by Christine Kaaloa

What is Flight Angels?
Table of Contents: Being a Flight Angels Volunteer | Transport rescued dogs from Puerto Rico
Flight Angels is a volunteer program in Puerto Rico where travelers volunteer to transport a Sato (rescued street dog) to the the mainland United States so they can have the opportunity to be adopted. The traveler provides their flight to accompany and transport the dog, while the rescue shelter in Puerto Rico brings you the dog with their special carry-on luggage, its care amenities and pays the extra carryon fee.
Puerto Rico has over half a million stray dogs and one million cats. In the past, the Humane Society dealt with the population with euthanasia. But there are a handful of no kill animal shelters in Puerto Rico who work tirelessly to save abused, neglected and mistreated animals and find them homes in the United States where they have a second chance for a better life. Sometimes, the dog has been adopted and the owner is not able to fly to Puerto Rico to pick them up. Transporting these dogs on their own is not possible and that’s where volunteer Flight Angels come in.
The 501 c organizations have a special deal with the airlines to transport their Satos at a state side cost, which costs less than you think. But the dogs need to be checked in, accompanied and then deplaned to meet the rescue shelter that has either found them or will find them a home.

My experience of how Flight Angels works:

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I arrived at the Delta check in counter and there was an issue with ticketing my flight. Honolulu was my end destination and they have strict regulations on animals entering the Hawaiian islands– you need papers, bloodwork or the dogs are met by an officer that takes them off to quarantine for a month. Luckily, I gave myself ample time so I could check in comfortably and take the pups to relieve themselves at one of the airport dog stations. I did not want to be running to the gate like I’ve done in the past.

What happens after you are issued your flight ticket?

Meeting the sister company
Should you be a Flight Angel volunteer?
How to Join Flight Angels?
What you can do to aid animal rescue organizations?
Follow and Engage: It’s no longer enough to just follow your favorite organization. Engaging them with likes, comments and shares is vital too. It helps their algorithm so their posts reach more people. I know this because I work hard at social media and beating the algorithm too. These organizations work very hard at their social media as a way to encourage more donations.Some know how to use it well, while others just get by.

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