Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Christine Kaaloa
There’s countless ways to protect your valuables. In the past I’ve reviewed one way and today I want to introduce you to one of my favorites. Banjees Wrist Wallets by Sprigs. What these are, are well-designed wrist wallets. They’re stylish enough to not appear like much more than an fashion accessory, but they’re built to be wallets which can store anything from credit cards, money, keys and a cellphone.
Avoiding Pickpockets with Banjees Wrist Wallets
Table of Contents: Outsmart Pickpockets with Banjees Wrist Wallets (& Giveaway!)
Unless I’m going someplace very cosmopolitan, I don’t like to attract attention to myself or belongings.
I’ve been a longtime fan of these wrist wallets. The first country I used it in was India and Nepal and on that trip in 2008, where a pickpocket attempted to go into my backpack to get valuables. Luckily, my wallet was on my wrist! Ever since that trip, I always pack my wrist wallet with me. I especially love it for haggling and markets because I want quick access to my change purse and money and a credit card. In fact, you’ve already seen it in a couple of my videos.
Read 27 ways to Outsmart Pickpockets

Where can you find Banjees Wrist Wallets?
I like them a lot, but unfortunately, you can’t find them in a lot of stores, so when I was in New York City, I went to Paragon, my favorite sporting goods store in Union Square and bought a Classic Banjees wrist wallet. The only way to get more styles is to order them online. So I asked Banjees if they’d let me test drive some of their newer designs.
Keep watching and at the end I’ll tell you how you can win one off my site.
I’m reviewing three of their designs: the Classic Wrist Wallet, two Double Pockets Wrist Wallets and a Touch Phone Wrist Wallet.
Classic Banjees
The classic banjees wrist wallet is my all-time favorite. It’s simple, got a reversible design so you can wear them with two color styles. They have one zippered pocket. Aside from using them as a wallet and coin purse, I also discovered I can go swimming with them and this is perfect when you’re going to the beach and have no one to watch your belongings. You can easily put your keys and some money in it.
It holds money, some coins, keys and credit cards.
Read up on travel scams for solo travelers to avoid.

2 Pocket Banjees
The 2 Pocket Banjees are the next one that’s my favorite because it has two pockets– a zippered pocket and one with a secure front fold. You can fit your iPhone in it and string earbuds to it. This is ideal for gym workouts, but perfect for travel too. While my Unlocked iPhone 5C fits snugly in it, I actually like carrying my phone in a wallet case, which is large, bulky and doesn’t fit in the wallet unless I remove it (hence, extra effort I don’t have patience for!). So I don’t really use my wrist wallets for carrying my mobile phone, though I love the option, especially for gym workouts, when I do use it for my phone.

The 2 Pocket Banjees style comes in two sizes:
- A 2 Pocket Banjees (regular size)
- A Large 2 Pocket Banjees
that fits larger phones like the iPhone 6.
I don’t have the iPhone 6, but the large size is only a little bigger than the standard double pocket one and it comes in this Melange design. I like this size because I feel like it gives me more room to store things.
Banjees 2 Pocket ‘Melange style’ Wrist Wallet

Touch Mesh Banjees
Lastly, is the idea behind the Touch Mesh Banjees (I think it’s been discontinued) is that you can use your iPhone through your wrist wallet. There’s only one pocket and it’s front is mesh, enabling you to see your phone. The one flaw in this is that when I took it jogging during direct daylight. In sunlight, I can’t even see my phone’s screen or any LCD screen, so for it to be covered by a mesh only ensures I can’t see it even more. I filmed this video around noon so the sun was directly overhead.
However, when you’re indoors or when the sun is not direct or bright the Touch wrist wallet works perfectly . You can navigate your phone and access apps through the mesh cloth.

So I hope you enjoyed that review. I’ll be holding a drawing and a lucky three people will get a Banjees of their choice, so click on the link in my description box for more details. If you did, give me a thumbs up,,,,,subscribe to my channel.
Want to buy one? You can get them on Amazon here.
Official Sprigs website here.

Contest Giveaway Details
Open to U.S. residents only. (Sorry)
The contest giveaway runs twelve days, from September 25th, 2015 to October 7, 2013 PST Hawaii.
Three winners will have their choice of ** Sprigswear Banjees Wrist Wallet** from the _2015 Summer Collection_ . Color, size and style is your choice.
In order to enter for a chance to win a **Banjees Wrist Wallet** , you’ll be asked to follow directions in this contest. Performing each task will help you unlock the next option. Each step requires some social media action.
The winner of the giveaway will be chosen at random.
_Note: The winner will be contacted via email. If there is no response or claim within a week, the prize will go to the next winning candidate._
If you can’t see the contest widget here, then click on the Rafflecopter link!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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