Last Updated on December 13, 2024 by Christine Kaaloa
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5 Top Travel Tips India: Surviving Indian Culture
33 Things to know before traveling India
Table of Contents: India Travel Tips: 33 Essential Things to Know Before Traveling India (READ THIS FIRST!)
The India Mindset
These are India travel tips and mindset perspectives that will help you travel India with less internal friction and frustration.
1. India is unpredictable
I like to describe India as a challenging country to travel. I say this not because it’s dangerous, but because India is a large country with many economic backgrounds and you are likely see things in a raw and real way. Blended with cultural differences and it chaotic appearance on the surface, it can feel overwhelming. Thus, India can make some travelers feel strongly- either they love it or hate it. Yet a good chunk of travelers- like myself- will fall in love with India even harder.
My advice is to simply accept that it’s going offer you overwhelm and culture shock straight off. Accept that traveling in India will be unpredictable, chaotic, delayed and different from the lifestyle you come from. There are many things that go awry in India, even with the best laid plans. India is unpredictable. The reward is that it will be an adventure you’ve never experienced.
India is an old country, that is resourceful in using things that it’s got. But that means things break down. Your bus may break down in the middle of your journey, your train can get delayed. Travelers with a tight and unforgiving itinerary will be frustrated by India. Instead, the type of travelers that survive India are the ones that plan to be flexible.
In trip planning for India, I always soft pad my schedule when booking trains in India and long-distance bus transportation. I give my in-transit time at the very least, a day. Here are extra planning tips to help you with India
For Indians, this upset of order and acceptance of it, is built into their philosophical lifestyle. They deal with it by casually going with the flow, waiting and taking the next best option. Why fight a governmental system you cannot change? Western countries on the other hand, can be more rigidly organized.
2. India is incredible because anything is possible.
The motto I’ve experienced in India is that anything is possible …until its not.
Indian culture does not look at the impossible nature of things.
Instead, I’ve found they look at its possibility. At least that’s what I’ve noticed of working locals in lower economic brackets. I have had many travel moments when I didn’t think something was possible — like making the train on time in the thick of traffic, or dropping my GoPro on a Delhi highway and having my auto taxi driver turn around and drive back to get it. Or a tiny matchstick of a man carry super-human loads of cargo. Stuff like that…
Anytime I ask a local (usually a taxi driver or service man) if something- that I personally think is impossible – is possible? The response I often get is — “Yes” (with a head wobble, which means Yes and No) Quite often, They found a way to make it so.
Tip: Check out ways to get around in India
Join a GRRRLTRAVELER Adventure or make it a private tour! Dive into local culture, mouth-watering food and off-beaten-path gems… without the stress!
3. India will make a better traveler of you
The key is go with the flow. The more I move fluidly, intuitively, patiently and trust things to work out, they do. Oddly. That’s my secret to traveling India.
But there’s something to this way of accepting the Indian way of flow. India’s system works by an organized chaos and you have to trust it to be able to navigate it. Cows, pedestrians, bicycle riders, motorbikes and cars all converged and may share the same street that does not have a traffic light. Somehow, it all works out neatly.
For travelers, it teaches you to have faith in the chaos of the culture and yourself. I’ve found traveling in India is easier when I travel it intuitively. It’s a lot like walking down a hallway in the dark. Rigidity and set rules don’t always work and if you follow it, you might be bumping into more things. By trusting my intuition, going with the flow of the country and being flexible so I can adapt to its ways, I find it gives me stronger trust and confidence to navigate the unknown.
Things about India that will Shock You
4. Poverty
Okay, you gotta rip that bandaid off from the start… In India you’ll see an overwhelming amount of poverty, begging children and fake mothers at your window when your taxi rolls to a stop, immigrant workers sleeping in cots on the street at night …or on blankets on a hotel rooftop! My first morning in India, I walked down to my hotel front desk to find the workers asleep on blankets in the lobby. Shocking, right?
The gap between economic classes in India are extreme. The middle class is growing in India and it’s changing the urban landscape in a good way. But you’ll still see poverty, slums and a large working class that struggles each day to make $5 a day.
A big population of India comes from rural villages and migrants from across the border. They come into the city for work to make money to send to their families and often they cannot afford their own home or apartment.
That said, slum tours are something I feel is unethical to support, unless you’ve done your research to find a tour operated by a responsible non-profit that allows these families to make some living from it, rather than exploiting their situation. Read ethical tips for responsible tourism
5. Chaotic traffic
Everything converges on the streets from cars, buses, cows, bicycles, motorbikes, pedestrians and lots of car honking. When I think back on my trip to Kolkata, I can distinctly hear car honking in my memories.
6. Animal Exploitation and Cruelty
I see animal cruelty as a sickness of poverty. In Varanasi, there is an abundance of homeless cows on the street walking, lying down in the road, eating waste on the streets. You’ll also find starving and abused street dogs that have illnesses, cancerous growths, wounds from mistreatment left to suffer in pain. Indians see stray animals as pests like monkeys and throw rocks at them.
Elephant rides are still used for tourist entertainment at attractions like Jaipur’s Red Fort and camel rides are the main attraction of Jaisalmer’s Thar Desert. Watching how animals in India are treated is heartbreaking.
There are some great wildlife and street dog rescue non-profit organizations you can support and volunteer at in India:
- Wildlife SOS near Agra
- Dharamasala Animal Rescue in Dharamsala
- Animal Aid Unlimited in Udaipur
- Tails of Compassion in Delhi
If you are an animal lover, please research if there is an animal non-profit you can support with your tourist dollars.

7. Littering is a problem in India
Not all Indians believe in trash cans or holding their trash until they get home. It’s the first time I’ve seen bus passengers toss their trash outside of a moving bus. You’ll find trash in the streets and ultimately, they get swept into piles and burned.
This does not mean it’s okay for travelers to follow suit. Instead, bring a bag to hold your trash in until you can find a proper receptacle. You can certainly find trash bins in restaurants, fast food joints like McDonalds, public restrooms, occasionally in metro stations and hotels.
8. Recycled Items
On the other hand of littering, Indians are brilliantly resourceful and creative.
India doesn’t believe in “recycling” per se, but they practice it for cost cutting methods. Vendors use items made from recycled materials, from banana leaf bowls to earthen clay chai cups and newspaper packages. These disposable items are organic. I love that they do this and a lot of these recycled treasures make fun and interesting souvenirs to bring home!

9. An overwhelming sea of men
As its a patriarchal society, you’ll see men in every visible job. From cooks in kitchens, street food vendors, wait staff, front desk clerks, barbers, etc.. Women do not have many public jobs with high visibility. Many are kept indoors due to what their families feel is safer. You might see women in safer jobs, such as retail shops, office workers, an bathroom attendant.
10. No sense of body space
If you don’t like being pushed or pressed against like a sardine, avoid crowds in India.
Tip: Avoid long queues to get into an event and crowded Indian buses and trains. There is no sense of spatial parameters in that regard. Locals will push you to pack themselves in.
11. The Indian Stare
95% of the time, Indians stare out of curiosity. If you’re a foreign traveler, you look different to them or you may be carrying something that is foreign to them. However, there’s two things I’ve noticed Indians will stare at: cameras and foreign travelers.
Update: Cameras are no longer a stare-worthy thing for Indians since the introduction of mobile phone cameras! Cameras have become quite common these days. You’ll find traveling Indians taking selfies everywhere at tourist attractions. 😉
12. Cameras
Big city folks and Indian tourists at tourist attractions can care less about your camera, because they’re already striking poses for their own mobile cameras (I’ve seen a handful even doing their own photoshoots!). But outside of those heavy urban environments, you’ll find more curiosity towards the camera. Unlike other countries, an Indian staring at your camera does not mean thieving intentions. Cameras are equated with films and fame and just honest curiosity.
Tip:You’ll find India is a photogenic country, with the best and most genuine smiles. If you take a photo, show them the photo. In rare cases, I’ve gone to the local copy place to make copies.

13. Foreign Travelers Attract Attention in India
.Blond hair and blue eyes is a bit of a novelty in Asia in general. But in India, there are many Indians that haven’t seen many ethnicities outside their country or town. Rural folks will be especially in awe of this. If you’re a family with young children who fit this description, keep in mind, your child may become the new sensation. Some Indians who don’t know any better, may try to touch it. I was traveling with a fellow yogi and her family of two sons and a husband. We were waiting in line to get into the Wagah Border Ceremony when locals started to reach out to touch her son. He had blonde hair and likely the locals around him were from a village. The locals were naive. They didn’t mean harm or bad intentions, but I’m pretty sure they felt they were touching an angelic being.
UPDATE: India has gotten much more accustomed to foreign travelers and expats over the years. Pakistan is now where India was in this regard.
14. Indians are Naturally Warm and Hospitable
If I scared you in the above tip, you’ll be pleased to know that Indians are warm, super friendly and hospitable people. They are truly a lovely and welcoming society. They are happy for you to experience their food and culture and are helpful when you are lost or need assistance!
Next time you are on a train, strike up a conversation with them and you’ll most certainly make a friend on the ride.

15. Hygiene and Delhi Belly
Indian male workers are not known to have great hygiene. As men have most visible jobs in society, they are often cooking, serving and handling food so you need to pay attention to the hygienic nature of things.
Street food is popular in India and even I love to indulge in it but the cleanliness standards can be questionable when there’s no easy or quick access to clean water or refrigeration. . In Kolkata, I’ve seen street food vendors sleep in their own food stalls. If you love eating Indian street food, it’s best to observe the local vendors and practice these street food safety tips!
Join a GRRRLTRAVELER Adventure or make it a private tour! Dive into local culture, mouth-watering food and off-beaten-path gems… without the stress! [/featured-box]
India Travel Tips
16. Avoid drinking tap water
The biggest food rule in India is to avoid drinking tap water. Bottled water is acceptable drinking water in India (just make sure it is not tampered with!) and some hotels and restaurants offer boiled water or filtered water.
To be safe, you also want to avoid accepting ice in your drinks as you do not know if the ice is made of filtered water or not. Mc Donalds, Starbucks, western chains and shopping mall food courts are a different story. Very commercial businesses have a reputation and they cannot risk locals getting sick, so you may find ice made with clean water.
Tip: Always ask if in doubt. Read my Street Food Safety Tips for Travelers
17. Always Practice Food Safety Tips in India
Sometimes food is washed with tap water. If you are drinking soup, make sure the soup is hot and not lukewarm.
The rule of thumb of eating produce in India is make sure you only eat fruits and veggies produce that can be peeled or skinned, like bananas, pineapples and oranges. That said, say goodbye to tossed salads when you’re in India unless you are in a fancy restaurant where they can afford to use good or boiled drinking water!
Read more India food tips

18. It’s Common to See Indians Eat with their Hands
It’s not that India does not have utensils, but many Indians love eating with their hands and feeling their food. Eating with hands is something I love about India. It’s messy but the salt on your fingertips add to the flavor.
It is not compulsory to eat with your hands however. You can always request utensils or silverware if you want. But if you want to try eating with your fingers, read my guide on how to tips to eating with your hands.
Tip: Bring hand sanitizer and biodegradable baby wipes to clean your hands before you eat. When you’re finished, visit the wash basin to wash your hands off.

19. India is a Vegetarian Lovers Dream
Hinduism is a major religion in India and the lifestyle forbids eating meat. You will also find many Buddhists in Northern India, which honors a vegetarian diet as well. This does not mean that there are no meat eaters in India, however. There are other religions in India that do not practice a vegetarian diet.

20. Hinduism is the main religion in India
India’s religions are Hinduism (80%), Muslim, Christianity, Sikhism and you’ll find Buddhists in Northern India. As a result, you will find many temples and occasional churches in India.
Hindu religion has many dieties and demi-gods. Do not be surprised if you see strange statues and idols or paintings of animal gods.
21. Yoga is not what you think it is in India
India is the birthplace of yoga and each year, foreigners come to study or practice yoga in India, excited to embrace the roots of its tradition. However, western yoga is largely diluted, revolving around the workout and gym side of yoga. You may be disappointed to discover that yoga is not about feeling the burn or about being able to twist yourself into a pretzel. Instead, yoga is a largely spiritual with a focus on Indian philosophy that connects body with mind to achieve a higher enlightenment.
When I took my yoga teacher’s training certification in India, students who were agnostic or atheist had difficulty with their practice, because they came to enjoy the physical part of yoga. Instead, they were immersed in spiritual studies, spiritual chants, meditation and practices that aid bodily cleanse.
22. What to Wear in India
India is overall, a conservative country regarding sex and the sexes. When traveling India as a solo female traveler, I like to dress modestly so as not to attract attention. Personally, I like to be respectful and respected.
While times are changing in society and urban youth dress more liberally in larger, well-touristed cities like Delhi, Goa or Mumbai, it’s still smart for female solo travelers to dress modestly and respectfully, so they are prepared for any situation they encounter.
Although westerners may see the sari as sexy and revealing by flashing skin in the middrift and open back, Indians consider short mini skirts, V-neck blouses which show cleavage and off the shoulder blouses to mean sexually confident and improper. Partially due to the popularity of Hollywood and their sexual standards, white foreigners hold a stereotype of being sexually loose, so if your dress is revealing, expect to get stares from Indian men.
If traveling rural towns of India, dress is conservative and blending helps you to stand out less. Even in urban cities, I cross paths with locals from rural localities.
A safe rule of thumb on how to dress in India: No bare shoulders or thigh high micro skirts or short shorts. It’s safe to just cover up and bring a scarf along whenever in doubt. Scarves can also be used when entering temples (especially Sikh ones). I like to buy Indian clothes like the salwar kahmeez (a long long-sleeved shirt and baggy pants) to appropriately blend in. Pajama pants are loose fitting and fun in a boho chic kind of way.
Indians will also look a little higher on you vs a typical tourist, as usually dressing in Indian garb shows your attempt to connect with the country. The Indian long-sleeved tops are lightweight and is cooling in the heat. Kurtas are also good for Indian modesty.

23. Remove footwear when entering temples
Temple practices in India require patrons to remove their footwear before entering. In Sikh temples, you’ll even need to wash your feet. But the question arises – where to put your footwear during temple visits? Many temples will have holding areas for footwear. Sometimes, it is organized by the temple; other times, you will find individuals offering to watch shoes for a small fee.
Sexual Harassment in India
The top question of women interested in traveling India is about the rape and sexual harassment situation, we’ve all read in the media. Due to bad media publicity in the past, India has been called out as a country with a smudge on their reputation. Yes, India has a big sexual harassment problem and rape does happen. (Read my shocking experience of witnessing what I believed was rape against a local girl).
24. Is India Safe for Travelers?
I’ve gotten a lot of male Indian harassment on YouTube for speaking about this subject. The truth is, traveling India, I have and haven’t experienced the worse that is reported and promoted by the media. Let me explain…
India is not dangerous as it is unpredictable. Firstly, I haven’t experienced or heard of much theft and crime against travelers. There’s a sentiment that some Indian police can be corrupt, but luckily, I’ve not had to go to the police. Aside from your occasionally aggressive tout and scam guides, I’ve felt pretty safe navigating. But it doesn’t mean crime can’t happen. As a female solo traveler, I always practice street smarts. Read my street smart safety tips for female travelers.
25. Acoording to World Statistics, India is not #1 for Rape.
Sweden, the United States and the U.K. take the gold, silver and bronze in the ‘rape category’. Sweden is clocked at 114.9 rapes per 10o,000. India has something like 1.8 per 100,000. Even with the large population and number of unreported rapes in India, the western countries have a rather high number to catch up to.
26. Indian Women Are Oppressed in Society
In a patriarchal society, men are free to act boldly and have public opportunities. They are seen as an asset to society and breadwinners in the familial structure. Men are very visible in blue-collar jobs, working in restaurants, laundry, and jobs you might find women doing in a western country. Thus, there is an overwhelming ratio of men to women on the streets. This intimidated me as a female solo traveler . It always takes me time to get comfortable with this aspect of India. Many Indian families like to keep their women safe at home and indoors, so they are not subject to male attention and sexual harassment. Indian women are on the streets, only when they need to be. Although younger generations are changing society in bold new ways that offers Indian women a stronger voice in society and this is hopeful.
Nonetheless, in rural and uneducated areas, a girl is seen as a burden to a family. In the past, the family had to give a dowry payment for her marriage into the groom’s family. Female babies in poor families, were found drowned or left to die as it is one more mouth to feed and an expense to the family. So there is still a faint stigma against women.
Indian women can feel like second-rate citizens and unheard, even by their families. Rapes can go unreported, due to the fact the woman is stigmatized, the family shamed (and in some cases, even angry at their daughter for bringing this shame) and the police have not always been helpful in this aspect.
27. Sexual Harassment Laws in India are Strict
Moreso than western culture (however, as in any country, law enforcement doesn’t always catch transgressors).
Did you know that singing lewd songs directed at women is considered sexual harassment? Jail sentence: up to 3 months or fined or both.
Unwanted physical contact against a woman’s consent . Jail sentence: 3 years.
Watching, capturing, sharing images of women in a private act without her consent is voyeurism. Jail sentence: 1-3 years + fine.
I advise female travelers who fear safety to go online and google what Indian law considers a crime of sexual harassment. Know your rights going in the country, so you understand what’s punishable compared to your own country. Read one woman’s account of How it feels to be an Indian woman.
28. Segregated Sexes in India
Although flawed, Indian society is protective of their women. India is cognizant that problems exist and thus, have taken measure in an attempt to control the situation. There are Women Only seats on buses and in metro cars. It’s not a perfect and you will find men occasionally dipping into the seats and metro cars, to escape crowded male spaces. If found in the metro cars, the police will take measures to fine or arrest them.
29. Is Female Solo Travel Safe in India?
You might experience eve teasing (public street harassment or molestation) or sexual harassment in the form of light brushing. In one scenario, my boob got grazed by someone’s elbow. My reaction? I laughed a bit. As a westerner, it felt minor. But while a boob graze is seen as accidental and common in a tightly packed Western crowd, it js not common in India. It can be considered sexual harassment.
My friend, fellow solo travel blogger, Solitary Wanderer, experienced a stronger dose of eve teasing. (read here).
Knowing that foreign travelers are more tolerant of such transgressions, some Indian men or boys may try to test that to see how far they can push it. Generally, much unwanted physical contact is a minor infraction to westerners. And these actions are more the exception than the rule.
Tip: Avoid going out in public during Holi festival. While Holi is a beautiful festival, I’ve heard many traveler accounts of eve teasing manifesting under drunken, rowdy fun and throwing of powdered colors. Some female travelers still risk the danger, so they can experience the festivities.
How to deal with sexually harassment in India?
30. Call Attention to Sexual Harassment
Fight back by doing an elbow jab to keep them away. I’ve even had little boys try to touch me as a dare and I shoved one away rather hard. Make your upset recognizable and LOUD. Call the attention of the public or police. It’s not supposed to be happening and locals may come down on the offender.
31. Avoid Over-Friendliness towards the Opposite Sex.
Although there are many kind, gentlemen in India, I advise women to avoid showing overly-friendly interest or flirting with Indian men, if there is no romantic interest. Politeness can be misinterpreted as an invitation.
32. Avoid giving out your phone number
In the past I’ve given my number or email out to helpful Indian men who showed concern over my safety. My phone rang several times a day, and I was emailed by one gentleman for a few years.
33. If you reach out for help, look to families and women.
Indian families and women have felt concerned for my safety as a solo female traveler. Many have looked out for me or invited me to join them.
When I was staying with my Indian family in Varanasi, the most drastic news broke about a foreign woman getting acid thrown in her face. She was staying with an young Indian man, having relations and then wanted to leave. The Indian family I was staying with at the time, feared my leaving their home, due to this incident. This case was an extreme case that generally doesn’t happen to travelers, but …acid throwing is something Indian women in extreme cases, have been subject to in the past.
What are your India travel tips and things to know before traveling India?
Traveling India for Solo Travelers (playlist)
City Guides and India Travel Tips
As a female solo traveler and YouTuber, I take you inside Indian trains, how I got a foreign tourist quota, how
to get your Sim card and how to navigate Indian transportation, food and cities. These are all filmed as I travel through India alone, so you can see the degree of difficulty or not. I love India but I am certainly not invulnerable to trip difficulties, worry or culture shock.

What would you add to this list of things to know before traveling India?